May 15, 2013

Mikey - An Inspiration!!!

I wish to get my story published in Chicken Soup for the Indian Entrepreneurs Soul in association with    

Mikey and me,
Were never meant to be (friends)
He came across as stern and rude,
And that would make me brood.
One day our paths met,
And For the game of Scrabble a team was set.
Kind, Caring, Insightful and what not,
Patient and The most God Fearing of the Lot.
Slowly and gradually did he become a friend
Cherish the moments that were spent.
All he does is talk and talk,
Wish to have such a friend in every walk.
It’s not his charm that I look up to him,
It’s his ability to solve issues that are grave and grim.
An attitude to call a Spade a Spade,
Learnt From him, being Frank and honest enough gets paid.
Respect your Subordinate , and be for them
These are the reasons  that make  you a gem.
If things go wrong, accept they are
Nip them from the bud and just don’t stand and stare.
Learnt From you, How a manager should be
Treat everyone Equally , doesn’t matter even if they are one, two or three
Mikey, Your greatness lies in your humble qualities as these,
Would always look up to you, even though we are different as chalk and cheese.
Look up to you, for the respect that you display for  females
You are a welcome change in the world of chauvinistic males.
Being A Leader,  A Manager, There are a hundred issues that you face.
Your Quality of Keeping Your Team United, adds to your grace
Learning a lot from you with every move you make,
You value relationships and see to it , they don't break.
You have ears for all,
No matter how big or small.
Words fall short to express the respect
Makes me wonder, how you always end up being correct ?
Value your opinions and thoughts
It’s amazing to know, how you untangle the knots.(in any issues)
“To be Mikey, isn’t an easy feat ”,
A Thousand Times would I repeat
Mikey! Hats Off!! And PleaseTake A Bow!
This Silly poem is only what I have for you now!
Would make you wonder why a silly poem at this hour,
Coz,Words are all that I have and will have forever.(to express respect in the best way)


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