Apr 9, 2011

Gone With The Strings

Oh How much i adored them!! how much i cared for them!!! They are no longer with me..They no longer adorn me.. They were with me since so many years but now they left me this sunday...The separation is too much to bear  :(
 Confused?? Oh, am talking about my nails, my pretty nails which looked something like this...(yes yes see down :( )

Hmm sigh!!! Now this paragraph is dedicated to all the guys in the world( That includes my guitar sir too!!!).When you have a girlfriend you expect her to have such stylish  chic looking hands and beautiful nails to adorn them.But do you ever bother to know how much pain does it take to keep them in that way??(Do You?? dumb heads!!) Ohkk controlling my emotions I now begin to tell you my NAIL story which is a standing epitome of perseverance and hard work. I was born with those dull nails which never grew.During my school days the stylish hot gals of my class would sport such beautiful long maintained nails ; and me being a geek (typical the ones whom people used to call "double battery") would think of nails only when the results used to be out that too for biting them to avoid tension and anxiety.Due to my nail biting habit i never had to cut my nails before the physical examinations because they never grew or rather i never let them grow.

When i joined my college i again had a set of hip hep gals in my class who flaunted their beautiful nails which would always be painted with the hottest colours to the utmost perfection.Seeing those beautiful nails all i would do is start biting my nails again( yeah !! i never ever improved ).Then finally i pledged to grow my nails without biting them.I negotiated with my stomach and nails and came to a conclusion that one hand will be sacrificed to my sharp tooth every week but the other remains untouched.Controlling my anxiety pangs i let my left hand nails to grow..Oh how lovely they looked as they grew up.I still remember the first sight of them growing up.I was flooded with emotions.They were my babies.I used to paint them weekly.They had to bear the protests of my strict disciplined dad and my all time cribbing mom.But they stood fearless and shiny as ever .I loved them for this.They were an example of my will power and no doubt i was extremely proud of them.They were complimented wherever they went and my face used to glow with pride.In parties i used to purposely hold glasses with my left hand so that people could see them and feel envy.Everything that i held was in left hand.I have always been an expressive female and ma hands have talked more than my mouth.They have always been expressing something or the other.After the nails grew my left hand worked more than the right hand .I wanted the world to see my nails..But now they are gone...Oh those moments  i am going to miss them.

Now y am i going to miss them ..This week i was gifted a guitar and i was so damn excited to learn the guitar.I went and  joined classes and today was the first day of my class.My sir was a young fellow who plays the guitar amazingly,My first class started and the moment i held the guitar my sir had a look on the left hand.I tried to  hide them but he was like " u need to cut them".I was like "what ?????".He looked at my nails as if they were his biggest enemies embarrassing me even more.He saw the disbelief on my face and he was like "So what grow on the other hand?".I was about to burst out "So what ???? Dude u don't know it takes so much pain to grow them.It takes years to be maintained this way".I tried to avoid what he was saying and every expression on my face said"No!! don't do this to me ..Take extra fees but not my nails"

But i knew they had to go because i realized i wasn't able to play the notes on my guitar .Nails would come and go but my classes they wont :( Even minutes before i left the class he said "Chop them off!!" I was like "How Inhuman!!"...Finally this evening i cut them and they are gone forever.......
Good bye Dahlings!! my heart cried out.......

Now Waiting Impatiently  for the white pearlies to grow on my right hand......


  1. poor nails...good thing abt nails is that they grow back...ur right hand is going to look beautiful soon...

    a Dumb-head

  2. @sub- hehe thanks but its going to take time :(....

  3. oye hoye....evn u hv joined d writer's league....good good....kep writing

  4. The same thing happened to me when I joined a guitar class :-( Hope your nails grow real fast!

  5. no cut ur nails...i dnt want to b scratched by u in future...!! :P :*

  6. @ketaki-thanku

    @swetha-sigh!!! we share the same plight...now have to wait impatiently for the other to grow :)

  7. Ohh so u have lost it?? I mean the nails :)

  8. I can understand the pangs of separation dear, especially since you had waited so long for them to grow just as you liked them :)

  9. @ zephyr - thanku for understanding and the worst part is right hand nails grew a bit twice and i chewed it off lol

  10. uh oh some sacrifice for guitar :)

  11. @ani-aset- a very big sacrifice dude ;) and d worst part is they are not growing now on ma right hand :(

  12. Talking about nails... ummm..difficult to maintain though not that impossible too :) They'll grow back... the only worst thing about nails is that their growth in my profession is considered unhygienic :P :) So you dont worry :)


  13. @tanvi---- u a doctor??...ya waiting for ma nails to grow back :P


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